My Weekly Tally...
So now I have no excuses. I made it out of jury duty by the skin of my teeth. There are no more plans to jet off to some distant land for rest and relaxation. From here on out it's all about finishing the novel. So, with exactly 26 days left before school, here is where I stand:
- Chapters 1-6: 10,176 Words; 53 Pages
- Chapters 7-12: 11,825 Words; 62 Pages
- Chapters 13-18: 10,302 Words; 58 Pages
- Chapters 19-24: 10,616 Words; 59 Pages
- Chapters 25-30: 5,897 Words; 34 Pages (in progress)
GRAND TOTAL: 48, 816 Words; 266 Pages
So it looks pretty likely that I'll reach my goal of 60,000 words by August 22nd. Now if I can only end my story there. Seriously, I think it will be close. I can see the end in sight. Yippee!!
Wow... I'm impressed. Go you.
Anonymous, at 10:05 PM, July 26, 2005
Damn man. I'm all pom-poms and applause.
Anonymous, at 4:07 AM, July 27, 2005
Wow....60,000 words!!! I'm jumping up and down for you!!
Anonymous, at 8:16 AM, July 27, 2005
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