This will sound strange and too surreal to believe.
About a year before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon I was having a lot of spooky dreams about New York. I've never been to New York, though in these dreams I felt pretty familiar with the city.
Every dream started off peaceful. I was ferrying to Liberty Island in one, walking through the downtown crush in another. And then something bad happens. There's a lot of fire and I'm running through buildings, desperately trying to get away from...something.
I told everyone about these dreams. And everyone told me to stay away from New York. But no one was serious. They were only dreams. I even told my district manager at the time, Heather. And she said I was strange, and I agreed.
When September 11 happened, I didn't recall my dreams immediately. Because, well, the scenes were so horrible that my mind was simply numb from shock. But by the end of that tragic day, I remembered.
Heather was the first to call and tell me that she, too, recalled the dreams I'd had. Now she really thought I was weird. Other friends--and of course my family--all contributed their own two cents to the eerie coincidence.
Because it had to be a coincidence, right? The dreams served no purpose. They weren't clear enough, or specific enough, to allow me to warn anyone. And how silly would that be? But the dreams did end. I no longer had dreams of a burning New York.
Except for last night. But it wasn't New York. It was everywhere...
In the dream I'm outside and see smoke on the horizon. I'm in Portland. At least that's what I believe in this dream. I move to get a better view of the fire and see three giant blazes. In my head, I know it's an oil pipeline.
I am suddenly transported in front of a television. And on every channel there is news of a different catastrophe. In my head I know it's terrorism. The scene that's the most clear is of a plane crashing into a KFC. And for some reason I think it's in China.
Other scenes flash before my eyes and I realize that on this day there are multiple attacks, and not just on American soil, but in major cities around the world. And in my head I'm shocked that the terrorists were able to pull off such stunning attacks, all on the same day.
I don't know what it means, if dreams really mean anything. But it was eerie, and real. And I keep seeing flashes of large logs rolling in a swift river, a plane crashing into a KFC, and three giant infernos on the horizon.
But it was just a dream, right?
About a year before the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon I was having a lot of spooky dreams about New York. I've never been to New York, though in these dreams I felt pretty familiar with the city.
Every dream started off peaceful. I was ferrying to Liberty Island in one, walking through the downtown crush in another. And then something bad happens. There's a lot of fire and I'm running through buildings, desperately trying to get away from...something.
I told everyone about these dreams. And everyone told me to stay away from New York. But no one was serious. They were only dreams. I even told my district manager at the time, Heather. And she said I was strange, and I agreed.
When September 11 happened, I didn't recall my dreams immediately. Because, well, the scenes were so horrible that my mind was simply numb from shock. But by the end of that tragic day, I remembered.
Heather was the first to call and tell me that she, too, recalled the dreams I'd had. Now she really thought I was weird. Other friends--and of course my family--all contributed their own two cents to the eerie coincidence.
Because it had to be a coincidence, right? The dreams served no purpose. They weren't clear enough, or specific enough, to allow me to warn anyone. And how silly would that be? But the dreams did end. I no longer had dreams of a burning New York.
Except for last night. But it wasn't New York. It was everywhere...
In the dream I'm outside and see smoke on the horizon. I'm in Portland. At least that's what I believe in this dream. I move to get a better view of the fire and see three giant blazes. In my head, I know it's an oil pipeline.
I am suddenly transported in front of a television. And on every channel there is news of a different catastrophe. In my head I know it's terrorism. The scene that's the most clear is of a plane crashing into a KFC. And for some reason I think it's in China.
Other scenes flash before my eyes and I realize that on this day there are multiple attacks, and not just on American soil, but in major cities around the world. And in my head I'm shocked that the terrorists were able to pull off such stunning attacks, all on the same day.
I don't know what it means, if dreams really mean anything. But it was eerie, and real. And I keep seeing flashes of large logs rolling in a swift river, a plane crashing into a KFC, and three giant infernos on the horizon.
But it was just a dream, right?
Hmmm. that's pretty freaky. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens, right?
I vote for yes, just a dream!
mamashine, at 4:31 PM, June 19, 2006
Well if you keep having the dream...
Either I need to move to Mars... or you've been watching too many 'It's the end of the world! ARGH!211!!oneone!' movies of the week on NBC.
Anonymous, at 10:25 AM, June 25, 2006
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