The Vioxx Lotto...
Ok, that's just ridiculous. What was this Texas jury thinking to award 253 million dollars to this woman? No wonder there are so many greedy, sue happy people in this country. Remember the Wendy's chili finger woman? It's blunders like this that are fueling those sickos.
Don't think I'm coldhearted; I can appreciate that this woman lost her husband as a result of negligence on the part of Merck Co. for not testing their medicine properly. And I can completely understand why she would want to sue for mental anguish and her husband's lost pay. But 253 million dollars! The man was a fricken produce manager at Wal-Mart. I mean, come on!
So after the verdict, the woman said, "In the four years that I knew and loved Bob, I went to a lot of his marathons, his triathlons. This has been my run for Bob."
More like your fricken winning lottery ticket.
And then her lawyer responded to those who have the same issues as I do: "You have got a company worth billions and billions and billions of dollars. If you write down $10m, Merck laughs. It's a rounding error. It's got to be over $100m or they won't even pay attention."
Ok, so what are we doing, penalizing companies because they are successful? Is that how it works? What kind of crap is that?
Nevertheless, the floodgates are open, and anyone who took Vioxx and happened to suffer a few heart palpitations is going to make a mad dash to the courthouse. After all, it's becoming the American way.
If I were in that jury, I would've given the woman a check for a hundred bucks and a year's subscription to Perfect Match dot com.
253 million, sheesh...
Don't think I'm coldhearted; I can appreciate that this woman lost her husband as a result of negligence on the part of Merck Co. for not testing their medicine properly. And I can completely understand why she would want to sue for mental anguish and her husband's lost pay. But 253 million dollars! The man was a fricken produce manager at Wal-Mart. I mean, come on!
So after the verdict, the woman said, "In the four years that I knew and loved Bob, I went to a lot of his marathons, his triathlons. This has been my run for Bob."
More like your fricken winning lottery ticket.
And then her lawyer responded to those who have the same issues as I do: "You have got a company worth billions and billions and billions of dollars. If you write down $10m, Merck laughs. It's a rounding error. It's got to be over $100m or they won't even pay attention."
Ok, so what are we doing, penalizing companies because they are successful? Is that how it works? What kind of crap is that?
Nevertheless, the floodgates are open, and anyone who took Vioxx and happened to suffer a few heart palpitations is going to make a mad dash to the courthouse. After all, it's becoming the American way.
If I were in that jury, I would've given the woman a check for a hundred bucks and a year's subscription to Perfect Match dot com.
253 million, sheesh...
I seriously doubt that a company isn't bothered by a 10 million dollar check they have to write to anyone. Plus there's court costs, lawyer fees, etc. My bet is Merck is going to go bankrupt in a couple of years if stuff like this continues, and they can't find another prescription cash cow.
I'm with you grant. I think 253 million is ridiculous. My sympathies to the woman, but this is insane (plus a good portion of that money is going to go to the lawyer anyway... and I think there's a special place in hell for those kinds of lawyers).
Anonymous, at 12:04 PM, August 20, 2005
I'm willing to bet she'll see a third of it if any at all.
Rooney, at 12:24 AM, August 21, 2005
ok... off-topic. I'm a loser. want to see a train-wreck? Go HERE.
Rooney, at 12:29 AM, August 21, 2005
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