Much About Nothing...
Are the holidays really over? Thank God! A return to normalcy. Whatever that means.
I haven't decided yet on a specific list of New Year's resolutions but I know it will entail reading more, writing more, and watching less TV. I think I'm going to keep a list of the books I read this year. I often wonder how many books per year I read. Stephen King says that any respectable writer should read at least 80 books per year (that includes books on CD) but then again not all of us have the luxury of independence from a demanding employer. Though I suppose Stephen King would argue that his publishers are pretty demanding. So no excuses, just turn off the glass brain killer and read!
Speaking of, has anyone read the Dragon Riders of Pern series? I just finished Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern and I have a question. I'm confused about something. The gist of the story is that a plague sweeps across Pern killing people and animals within a span of nine days. The plague originated in a strange animal from the never-before-explored southern continent and was brought to the people of Pern via a lone fishing vessel. Most everyone on Pern dies of this plague. But the survivors discover a vaccine and so they decide to inject those that are left. Only they run out of these plant syringes (like cactus needles) and so they travel back in time to the springtime to harvest more of them. They succeed and the plague is obliterated. Now...are you thinking what I'm thinking? If you can travel six months into the past to harvest cactus needles then why not stop the ship that brought the damn plague animal? I don't get it. And I haven't come across anyone on the net who had the same problem. OK, enough ranting. You probably skipped this section anyway. And I don't blame you. I don't even want to proofread it. Though I will...because I'm neurotic.
Oh, did you hear about the two headed albino rat snake that's going to be auctioned on eBay for $150,000? Yeah, no kidding. There's a picture below.

Now why didn't they hold the auction before Christmas? I so would've scratched iPod off my Christmas list for a two headed albino rat snake.
I haven't decided yet on a specific list of New Year's resolutions but I know it will entail reading more, writing more, and watching less TV. I think I'm going to keep a list of the books I read this year. I often wonder how many books per year I read. Stephen King says that any respectable writer should read at least 80 books per year (that includes books on CD) but then again not all of us have the luxury of independence from a demanding employer. Though I suppose Stephen King would argue that his publishers are pretty demanding. So no excuses, just turn off the glass brain killer and read!
Speaking of, has anyone read the Dragon Riders of Pern series? I just finished Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern and I have a question. I'm confused about something. The gist of the story is that a plague sweeps across Pern killing people and animals within a span of nine days. The plague originated in a strange animal from the never-before-explored southern continent and was brought to the people of Pern via a lone fishing vessel. Most everyone on Pern dies of this plague. But the survivors discover a vaccine and so they decide to inject those that are left. Only they run out of these plant syringes (like cactus needles) and so they travel back in time to the springtime to harvest more of them. They succeed and the plague is obliterated. Now...are you thinking what I'm thinking? If you can travel six months into the past to harvest cactus needles then why not stop the ship that brought the damn plague animal? I don't get it. And I haven't come across anyone on the net who had the same problem. OK, enough ranting. You probably skipped this section anyway. And I don't blame you. I don't even want to proofread it. Though I will...because I'm neurotic.
Oh, did you hear about the two headed albino rat snake that's going to be auctioned on eBay for $150,000? Yeah, no kidding. There's a picture below.

Now why didn't they hold the auction before Christmas? I so would've scratched iPod off my Christmas list for a two headed albino rat snake.
Happy New Year Grant!
New mom Sydney here, has also read the Dragonriders of Pern series. Albeit many years ago. I have't read the series you describe, but did read the book in which time travel is discovered. As I recall, the farther back in time one travels, the greater the difficulty in a sucessful journey. The Dragonrider have to be able to clearly communicate the "image" of when and where they want to go to the dragons to make the leap. If you can't describe your destination, would you risk an incomplete arrival? Also, there'd be greater exhaustion (Dragon-lag?) from the flight.
That does it for me, I think I hear Kai waking up. Say "Hello" to everyone for Makoto & I.
Anonymous, at 12:51 PM, January 03, 2006
Hi Sydney!
Yes, you're exactly right about all the complications inherent in time travel on Pern. And I should've known that you read those books--I remember you're a big Mercedes Lackey fan. That's funny: Dragon-lag. I've never heard that but it's clever. Yes, say hello to the Doe for me. And give Kai a hug and tell him I hope to meet him soon.
Grant-Will-Rant, at 6:03 PM, January 03, 2006
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