The Curse of the Evil Parrot…
I don’t know about you but I’m always sticking my foot in my mouth. Sometimes I wonder if the gods are playing some cruel game with me: Let’s see how awkward we can make Grant feel. Oh yes, that’d be a riot!
Let me explain: For some peculiar reason—I can’t fathom why—whenever I talk to someone with an accent I inadvertently mimic their speech. I don’t know, maybe I was an evil parrot in a past life and this character flaw is my penance. At any rate, this happened once while I was talking with a black woman. I actually answered her question with a very soulful mmmmhmmmm, you know it.
And stutterers are some of the most frightening people to be around. Their speech patterns are so infectious and I find myself stumbling over my words, concentrating really hard on every syllable so that I don’t appear to be making fun of them. It’s as uncomfortable as talking to someone with a lazy eye: Dammit, which one do I look at?! God help me if I ever strike up a conversation with a person with Down Syndrome.
But my gaffs come in other embarrassing forms as well—though equally as mortifying. My most recent foot-in-the-mouth scenario occurred while I was working at my new job. When it gets busy, I get a little crazy—fun crazy. And I’ll pop off with a goofy comment like “thanks for the dance” if I stumble into another employee in a tight aisle.
But this time I did something totally different: I pretended like I was going to karate chop the employee and I coupled the exaggerated hand gesture with an equally exaggerated Hiiiiiyaaaaaw!! Only, the employee was Chinese…and I could tell by his facial expression and feeble sigh that he thought I was making fun of his ethnicity.
I quickly recovered, smiled, and added dumbly, “Pretty busy today, huh?”
DOH! The gods have won this round. And so my curse continues…
Let me explain: For some peculiar reason—I can’t fathom why—whenever I talk to someone with an accent I inadvertently mimic their speech. I don’t know, maybe I was an evil parrot in a past life and this character flaw is my penance. At any rate, this happened once while I was talking with a black woman. I actually answered her question with a very soulful mmmmhmmmm, you know it.
And stutterers are some of the most frightening people to be around. Their speech patterns are so infectious and I find myself stumbling over my words, concentrating really hard on every syllable so that I don’t appear to be making fun of them. It’s as uncomfortable as talking to someone with a lazy eye: Dammit, which one do I look at?! God help me if I ever strike up a conversation with a person with Down Syndrome.
But my gaffs come in other embarrassing forms as well—though equally as mortifying. My most recent foot-in-the-mouth scenario occurred while I was working at my new job. When it gets busy, I get a little crazy—fun crazy. And I’ll pop off with a goofy comment like “thanks for the dance” if I stumble into another employee in a tight aisle.
But this time I did something totally different: I pretended like I was going to karate chop the employee and I coupled the exaggerated hand gesture with an equally exaggerated Hiiiiiyaaaaaw!! Only, the employee was Chinese…and I could tell by his facial expression and feeble sigh that he thought I was making fun of his ethnicity.
I quickly recovered, smiled, and added dumbly, “Pretty busy today, huh?”
DOH! The gods have won this round. And so my curse continues…
Glad I'm not the only one. Really, I should be in a room alone without anyone there to be offended every single time I open my mouth. And that's when I'm sober...
Kate, at 7:08 PM, March 05, 2006
You're not alone, Bud. I grew up with 'hoof in mouth' syndrome. (did I spell that right?)
Worst ever... I passed by a co-worker whom I thought was suffering from severe allergies. Attempting to be playful, I barked "no reason to cry about it!" Not two steps away and before I could bite my tongue, I realized what an Ass I was. His best friend was killed two days prior while they were mountain climbing.
He sharply turned to me and asked, "what did you say?" Having realized what an idiot I was, I responded with a "what? I didn't say anything."
In my (hopefully endeering) attempt to be the uplifting one in the crowd, I often spout some pretty stupid things before my brain has the opportunity to stop me. This is largley the reason I avoid uneccesary conversation--I know the chances are good I'll say something I'll regret.
Rooney, at 2:41 AM, March 06, 2006
*... at you*
Anonymous, at 6:39 PM, March 06, 2006
LOL! Do you remember the time when you were working with me in Monterey? There was a guy who wanted to order "Enemy at the Gates." I didn't hear the "s" in the word "gates." This irritated him and he kept correcting me, and once I had thought he had left I was telling you and Andrew (in a loud voice) how rude he was. Then out of no where that same guy appeared and walked out of the store. I hid behind the counter while you pointed at me and laughed your butt off, remember? I was so embarassed.
Yikes, I will never forget that day.
Anonymous, at 7:45 PM, March 07, 2006
Hey Poopy Portland
I remember one time I was really little and at the store with dad. There was this lady and I asked her if she was having a boy or a girl dad's eyes grew very wide when she replied "honey i'm not pregnant." Can you imagine the horror, well on dad's side cause I didnt know any better!!!!!!!
Miss You
F-ed Up Fresno
Anonymous, at 6:44 PM, March 08, 2006
Hey Jamie!! Yes, those were great times. Ahhh memories. I wish I could plug in a video and check out all the goofy things we did at that store. Then again, I’d probably die of embarrassment. I wonder how everyone else is doing: Jessica, April, Andrew, Ike, Helena. What a great crew we had!!
Grant-Will-Rant, at 7:25 PM, March 08, 2006
Howdy Fresno Nik! Yeah, that’s hilarious. It’s funny how much we can get away with when we’re young and naive. That woman probably hanged herself that night…and now her blood is on your hands: Brooohahahahaha!! Kidding.
But I remember once when Dad took me to my spelling bee and you were in a baby stroller. He had been smoking a cigarette and the ash fell on your forehead. The crazy thing was that it was Ash Wednesday, and this lady commented that she had no idea Dad was Catholic. He looked down at your forehead and turned beat red.
Grant-Will-Rant, at 7:26 PM, March 08, 2006
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