Starbucks with my sister:

Sis: (exasperated) What book are you reading now?
Me: (peers over book) It's a sci-fi by Ben Bova.
Sis: What? Please tell me that's not the author's name.
Me: (laughing) Yeah, so what. I know it's a strange name...he's good, though.
Sis: Ben Bova? That sounds like bend over!
Me: Hey, it's catchy.
Sis: What's the book called?
Me: Moonrise...
Sis: (throws head back) You are so not serious! You're reading a book by bend over and it's called Moonrise! Hahahahahahahahahaha! You're such a nerd!
Me: (glowing) Hey, thanks.
By the way, Moonrise is an awesome book so far! It's about nanobugs that go on a killing spree inside a moon base. Lots of gore and screaming and angry characters that kick ass!
Here's a line of dialogue from one of the characters:
"...slime-sucking, puss-eating, dung-dripping misbegotten son of a promiscuous Albanian she-goat and a syphilitic refugee from a leper colony..."
Oh Grant, you are oh so funny! This one will have me laughing for days! Keep em coming yo....Miss Piggy.
Anonymous, at 7:51 PM, January 27, 2006
Yeah, Ben Bova's awesome. A few years ago I read his book, Saturn, before realizing that it's about number ten in a huge chronology called The Grand Tour. So I went out and bought the entire set and now I'm reading them in order. Needless to say, I am hooked.
Here's a link to the chronology:
Grant-Will-Rant, at 11:47 AM, January 28, 2006
Was at the library today and looked seriously at getting something by Ben Bova just because you've been talking about him so much. I couldn't find any kind of list that gave the right order of the books though; everything just said he's written over 100. Where do I need to start?
mamashine, at 9:25 PM, January 28, 2006
KEP: There's a list of fourteen books in the chronology so far. When I started the first book was Empire Builders. But apparently Bova wrote a book last year that usurped EB for the beginning of the trilogy; that one's called Powersat.
If you're like me, you want to start at what the author deems is the beginning of his chronology. However, Bova also claims that it's not necessary to read the books in order: each book can stand alone. That said, he often refers to events that happened in his other books, sometimes giving away major spoilers. So, again, I'd start at the beginning.
I've read: Empire Builders, Mars, Moonrise, and Saturn. All were excellent! Copy the link I left in the comment to Horvatits above for the exact chronology.
Grant-Will-Rant, at 9:53 AM, January 29, 2006
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