You can blame Ollie!
A request from Ollie has brought me out of my slumber. Not that I was really in a slumber, more like incredibly busy. In fact, it's totally past my bedtime right now: 10:09 in the p.m. according to my blinking microwave clock. Yeah, that's late.
How have I been spending my free time? I'm doing another edit job on the book I wrote last summer and having a great time with it. Also my family members have been passing a copy of my book around, taking turns dipping into my deranged mind. It's been a lot of fun hearing their feedback, and their enthusiasm has inspired me to start working on the prequel/sequel (still deciding which to write first). A thousand thanks to my encouraging family.
The weirdo whack jobs that shop at my store are taking a toll on my fragile psyche. I should probably join a yoga class so that I can meditate those demons out of my system. Normally I would detail the nutty stories on my blog as a form of therapy, but I don't want to risk any of the nutcakes finding my site and stalking me in cyberspace. Perhaps it's time to go anonymous.
Oh, yes, and tomorrow's my birthday. I will be 35 years young. How is that possible? I don't feel that old. If I could have my way I'd still be building tree forts and collecting frogs. Maybe I should start a meet-up group in Portland for nostalgic 30 somethings who want to revisit their youth. We could play tag in the shopping mall and make fart noises in church. Ahh, the good old days....
P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all you awesome mothers!
How have I been spending my free time? I'm doing another edit job on the book I wrote last summer and having a great time with it. Also my family members have been passing a copy of my book around, taking turns dipping into my deranged mind. It's been a lot of fun hearing their feedback, and their enthusiasm has inspired me to start working on the prequel/sequel (still deciding which to write first). A thousand thanks to my encouraging family.
The weirdo whack jobs that shop at my store are taking a toll on my fragile psyche. I should probably join a yoga class so that I can meditate those demons out of my system. Normally I would detail the nutty stories on my blog as a form of therapy, but I don't want to risk any of the nutcakes finding my site and stalking me in cyberspace. Perhaps it's time to go anonymous.
Oh, yes, and tomorrow's my birthday. I will be 35 years young. How is that possible? I don't feel that old. If I could have my way I'd still be building tree forts and collecting frogs. Maybe I should start a meet-up group in Portland for nostalgic 30 somethings who want to revisit their youth. We could play tag in the shopping mall and make fart noises in church. Ahh, the good old days....
P.S. Happy Mother's Day to all you awesome mothers!
Would that be Laser Tag in the mall?
Happy Birthday, old fart!
Rooney, at 4:35 AM, May 14, 2006
You're alive!
And I think you should set up a mailing list for all the crazy job stories--that way it's semi-private and I still get to hear everything :)
Anonymous, at 8:42 AM, May 14, 2006
Happy Birthday! Maybe for your present I will let you beat me at Friday Flicks this go round. Hope you have a great day. KSL
KatieBug, at 5:52 PM, May 14, 2006
Ha! I found you!! I was wondering where in the heck you'd gone. So, if I was one of those stalkers you were hoping to duck, you've failed.
Seriously, happy birthday, old man.
Kate, at 7:16 PM, May 19, 2006
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