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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

To Raft Or Not To Raft...

Remember the rafting trip that I wanted so badly to get out of? Well I got out of it. Instead of making up an exhausted excuse (like some managers) I just told the truth. I didn't feel like it was my time to die, simple as that.

A few days before the trip there was news about a girl who got thrown from her raft and swept downriver. The day of the district trip park rangers found her tattered body wedged between some boulders.

Today I learned that one of the store managers scraped up his knee on some rocks and broke his toe. You see, that's why I didn't go. That would've been me. Except instead of a simple scrape it would've been a broken nose, or a gauged out eye, or my neck would've attempted a 360 degree revolution.

Don't give in to peer pressure. And that would've been the ONLY reason I would've gone. And what a STUPID reason that would've been.


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