YES, it's here!!! Friday Flicks with Grant!!!
Thanks to all you middle states people and east coasters for your patience! Good luck!!
1) "They call it a Royal with Cheese."
2) "What did she give him?"
"A lock of hair. From her chest."
3) "Take that dress off. I can see your dirty pillows."
"They're called breasts, mama, and every woman has them."
4) "If I were to send you flowers where would I address.... no wait. Let me rephrase that. If I were to let you suck my tongue, would you be grateful?"
5) "Now if we set this apple down it would become spoiled within a few days. But if we take a bite of it like becomes part of us forever, and we can take it with us."
6) "That's it! You have some exotic baby disease, and I look like I could play the lead in night of the living dead. And your father deserted us so he could pork his interior decorator! I guess it's safe to say that it can't get any worse! >HEL-LO-OOO!!! >I was wrong."
7) "You always pickup women in the supermarket? No, i usually throw them over my shoulder and carry them down a ladder"
8) "You tried to kill me. Our friendship is over."
"That doesn't mean I don't like you."
9) "I don't care what you and your Daddy think. Not all cowboys are dumb; some of us got smarts real good."
10) "Take your bloody hands off me! Don't you ever touch me again! Who do you think you're dealing with--some little groupie who jumps when you call? Is that what you think I am? We met, I liked you, we made it, what do you think it was true love? And you say I used you, what about you using me? Everybody uses everybody, don't they?"
1) "They call it a Royal with Cheese."
2) "What did she give him?"
"A lock of hair. From her chest."
3) "Take that dress off. I can see your dirty pillows."
"They're called breasts, mama, and every woman has them."
4) "If I were to send you flowers where would I address.... no wait. Let me rephrase that. If I were to let you suck my tongue, would you be grateful?"
5) "Now if we set this apple down it would become spoiled within a few days. But if we take a bite of it like becomes part of us forever, and we can take it with us."
6) "That's it! You have some exotic baby disease, and I look like I could play the lead in night of the living dead. And your father deserted us so he could pork his interior decorator! I guess it's safe to say that it can't get any worse! >HEL-LO-OOO!!! >I was wrong."
7) "You always pickup women in the supermarket? No, i usually throw them over my shoulder and carry them down a ladder"
8) "You tried to kill me. Our friendship is over."
"That doesn't mean I don't like you."
9) "I don't care what you and your Daddy think. Not all cowboys are dumb; some of us got smarts real good."
10) "Take your bloody hands off me! Don't you ever touch me again! Who do you think you're dealing with--some little groupie who jumps when you call? Is that what you think I am? We met, I liked you, we made it, what do you think it was true love? And you say I used you, what about you using me? Everybody uses everybody, don't they?"
A few sound familiar, but I can pull any from memory. So, I'm showin' up! And I'm the first! Are there points for that?? HA!
Alli, at 10:50 AM, September 01, 2006
#3 is familiar--is it from Carrie? I've got nothing on the rest!
Kris, at 10:50 AM, September 01, 2006
Is #7 from Roxanne?
I KNEW I would be bad when it was your turn, because you don't know a lot of the movies I pick, and I figured I wouldn't knows yours either. Oh well. Gimme points for showing up, and maybe that one is right...
Thanks for hosting!! Isn't it fun?
mamashine, at 10:56 AM, September 01, 2006
1. Pulp fiction. In the car. The guy with the jerrycurl to travolta.
3. Carrie in Carrie
7. Backdraft?
No clue what the theme is. Award winners?
dmd, at 10:58 AM, September 01, 2006
This is all I got:
6. Kirstie Allie as Mollie in Look Who's Talking
The others sound familiar and I can't place them, but I think the theme is John Travolta?
MamaChristy, at 11:00 AM, September 01, 2006
#1 is Pulp Fiction I believe. John Travolta says it I think when they're driving in a car.
#2 Grease! I love that movie. I think one of the Pink Ladies is referring to the girl that Kenickie takes to the dance.
#6 Look who's Talking? Kirstie Alley to her baby?
#7 is Ladder 49. Joaquin Phoenix and another guy meet two girls in the supermarket.
Hey are these all John Travolta movies?
I'm so excited I actually know some this week!
Jenn, at 11:01 AM, September 01, 2006
uh....did you make all this up outta your imagination...on account of--Dang
#5. only one that even remotely rings a bell, but I got nuthin'.
Except my showing up point!
k, at 11:06 AM, September 01, 2006
1-Pulp Fiction-John Travolta and Samuel L Jackson
5-Phenom-John Travolta
6-Look Whos Talking
Good Theme! Travolta has done some good flicks.
Anonymous, at 11:20 AM, September 01, 2006
Here for my showing up point. I don't think I'll be in second place anymore. :(
loni, at 11:20 AM, September 01, 2006
i only know 1: vincent vega says to Jules pitt, regarding what they call a big mac in paris (because of the metric system - they don't know what the **** a quarter pounder is!!)
and 3: Carrie in Carrie - she says this to her crazy mother. i actually never saw the movie, just read the book....
that's all i got. theme...maybe movies with a lot of blood?
Carrie, at 12:16 PM, September 01, 2006
#5 has been bugging me all day, it's so familiar. Phenomenon?
Jenn, at 1:21 PM, September 01, 2006
Okay... Something I can sink my teeth into!
1) Vince (John Travolta) to Jules (Samuel L Jackson) in the car talking about McDonald's Quarter Pounder with Cheese.
4) John T. in Face-Off
5) John T. as Henry(?) to kids in Phenomenon
7) John T. in Ladder 49 (guessing)
That's all I got.
Rooney, at 2:05 PM, September 01, 2006
I'm guessing 9 is Urban Cowboy, since someone clued me in that the theme is John Travolta.
Unknown, at 2:15 PM, September 01, 2006
1 - Pulp Fiction, Samuel L Jackson
3 - Carrie, the mom and Sissy Spacek/carrie
beth, at 6:06 PM, September 01, 2006
Oh I just realized the theme i Travolta!
beth, at 6:07 PM, September 01, 2006
When I was four I allegedly had a crush on John Travolta because of his hot pink socks in Grease.
1. Samuel L. Jackson says it in Pulp Fiction
2. The girl in Grease's name was Chi-Chi Rodriguez. I need to watch that again.
3. Was JT in Carrie?
4. is filthy
5. Phenom. Ugh. I want that two hours of my life back!
6. Look Who's Talking
7. Another fireman movie I haven't seen
8. Dunno
9. Yeah, who thought he was a good choice for a "cowboy" oilworker in Pasadena? The same person who cast Deborah Winger? I should get a point for sharing this: I saw Urban Cowboy for the first time at a drive-in movie theater as part of a double-feature with Grease with my parents and sibs when I was small. Anyway, JT says this to the fancy girl who lives in the high-rise. She was evil.
10. dang it, so familiar.
Fun game, Grant! Gotta love those Travolta flicks.
Kate, at 6:31 PM, September 01, 2006
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