I'm Back!
The time in France was just so completely awesome but way too short. I didn't do too many touristy things this time, mostly played tennis and video games with my French brothers.
Marc kicked my ass at Tennis and so I had to buy him a tarte aux fraises.
Of course I spent probably half the trip sitting in cafés and restaurants. At night Marc and I would sit at the Pantheon and watch the Eiffel Tower light up and sparkle. And I did make the obligatory trip to Trocadero Square.
And, of course, I payed homage to Jim Morrison.
Here's my extended French family.
welcome back...
Rooney, at 9:57 PM, October 03, 2006
I miss France!!
Anonymous, at 7:47 PM, October 04, 2006
Forget envious, I'm just plain JEALOUS! Krrr.
On an unrelated note, I'm always surprised to see actual pictures of you since I'm so used to Mosquito Grant.
Kate, at 4:35 PM, October 05, 2006
Mosquito Grant is far better looking but a little less social.
Grant-Will-Rant, at 8:10 PM, October 05, 2006
Welcome back! Your French family seems nice.
Now get back to work.
Oliver Dale, at 11:11 PM, October 08, 2006
Great photos.
I'm stopping by from over at Owlhaven's little comment party.
Heth, at 9:46 AM, October 12, 2006
Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaant! I miss you! What have you been up to? Writing? Working? Geez, you slacker.
Kate, at 5:01 PM, December 18, 2006
Man, I am a slacker. I hardly remembered where my blog was located. What have I been doing? Working, working, working! Watching movies occasionally. Writing? What's that? I hope to make a comeback soon :)
Grant-Will-Rant, at 7:58 PM, December 22, 2006
Wow Grant, I thought jack was a slacker blogger, but you've got him beat!!!!
Anonymous, at 5:32 PM, March 19, 2007
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