My Directorial Debut
Recently I took a trip to California to visit the family and ride roller coasters. While there I uncovered an old video of me and my family on a coastal trip during the Thanksgiving holiday. 18 years ago!
We had just bought a new camcorder--one of those monstrous video cameras--the kind you have to hold on your shoulder and require a full-sized VHS tape. Suddenly I was a director/actor/writer and all my little cousins were my cast and crew. We made several skits that to this day still tickle my funny bone.
Here is my favorite: Super Fish
We had just bought a new camcorder--one of those monstrous video cameras--the kind you have to hold on your shoulder and require a full-sized VHS tape. Suddenly I was a director/actor/writer and all my little cousins were my cast and crew. We made several skits that to this day still tickle my funny bone.
Here is my favorite: Super Fish
LOL rolling on the floor. That is too funny, the hairdos and all. BTW, I like how many times you used the word "many" at the beginning. Grant, please go back to directing :D.
By Engineer in the Kitchen, at 7:42 PM, October 27, 2008
I LOVE it! This is amazing, I laughed so hard I may watch it a few more times. More movies!
By Summer, at 10:02 PM, October 27, 2008
Luv it, I luv it, I luv it...
Hadn't seen that one in a while!
Encore! Encore!
By Rooney, at 11:22 AM, October 29, 2008
I might be able to wrangle up another little skit from the same holiday tape. So watch out!
By Grant-Will-Rant, at 11:57 AM, October 29, 2008
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