Gross things...
It's only recently that I discovered that there really is such a thing as bellybutton lint. I used to think it was an exaggeration--something people joked about but never existed in a tangible sense. Not anymore. For now I've discovered it for myself, and I find that I am truly addicted to lint foraging.
It's not that I think about it all day. But once I get home and sit myself at the computer my hand naturally gravitates to that ever-deepening mine of fuzz. I dig and dig, push aside fool's lint (attached hair), and pinch out that downy soft knot of what was once part of a sweater or a threadbare shirt.
I never know what to do with my little treasures, though. It's not like I can sell them on e-Bay or ship them off to the Salvation Army; so they usually end up being flicked over my shoulder, or they spend a few minutes on my mouse pad until they are unknowingly trampled over and end up stuck to that little rubber ball inside the mouse casing.
And then I think, What purpose do these tiny fuzzy morsels serve? And I've come to the conclusion that it must be God's way of allowing men to give birth to something. For who knows how long the tiny lint was stuck to the wall of the bellybutton, growing larger every day, receiving nutrition from sweatshirts, blankets, and shower towels. Until one day the little guy pokes its furry head out and sees the world for the first time.
It's not that I think about it all day. But once I get home and sit myself at the computer my hand naturally gravitates to that ever-deepening mine of fuzz. I dig and dig, push aside fool's lint (attached hair), and pinch out that downy soft knot of what was once part of a sweater or a threadbare shirt.
I never know what to do with my little treasures, though. It's not like I can sell them on e-Bay or ship them off to the Salvation Army; so they usually end up being flicked over my shoulder, or they spend a few minutes on my mouse pad until they are unknowingly trampled over and end up stuck to that little rubber ball inside the mouse casing.
And then I think, What purpose do these tiny fuzzy morsels serve? And I've come to the conclusion that it must be God's way of allowing men to give birth to something. For who knows how long the tiny lint was stuck to the wall of the bellybutton, growing larger every day, receiving nutrition from sweatshirts, blankets, and shower towels. Until one day the little guy pokes its furry head out and sees the world for the first time.
I once heard of a woman who colleted her husbands bellybutton lint until she had enough to make a pillow for him.
Rooney, at 12:49 AM, January 16, 2006
I'm repulsed and slightly drawn to re-read this over and over. Why is that?
And hey, what's with the mosquito Grant? What happened to your real face?
mamashine, at 6:39 AM, January 16, 2006
I would pay money to have not read that entry. Thanks for the scarring.
Oliver Dale, at 10:17 AM, January 16, 2006
KEP, they've been asking him what happened to his real face for many years. No one really knows.
Rooney, at 1:22 AM, January 17, 2006
Long ago, there was a "Bloom County" sunday comic strip in which Opus (the penguin) made incredibly unique, hand made christmas gifts for his friends. Steve Dallas (the morally blighted attorney) refused to accept his gift on the grounds that he would not allow himself to be guilt-tripped by the effort involved.
Upon Opus'insistance that the gift was nothing major, he surrendered his present for Opus of McDonald's gift checks, to recieve-yes-a hand knitted pillow from seven-years worth of bellybutton lint.
("Milliom Little Pieces" disclaimer)I may have a few details incorrect, nut that's how I remember it.
To make matters worse, my mom was inspired, saved my dad's "output", sewed up a pillow stuffed with BB lint. But wait, she actually contacted Guiness records, and has kept her declination letter, that the category has yet to be established, and so there is no "world's largest pillow stuffed with belly button lint" catagory.
SWEAR it's true- I can prove it. Sorry for the enormous comment but had to include it, Grant.
- Love, Sydney
Anonymous, at 5:10 PM, January 19, 2006
Hey Sydney... I now wonder if it was from you that I heard about the BB-Pillow.
BTW, received the picture of Kai... Cutest baby picture I've ever seen.
Rooney, at 11:31 PM, January 21, 2006
Here's a fun belly-button fact: the baby-talk word in Russian is POOP! The seven year old in me really, really likes that.
Here's another fact: I like to remove my husband's belly button fuzz (some weird primate grooming thing, I guess). He does not like it when I do that.
And unrelated comment is that Mosquito Grant reminds me of the artwork from The Phantom Tollbooth, one of my all-time favorite books.
Kate, at 8:55 PM, January 23, 2006
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