To speed or not to speed...
When I first got my driver's license I was always in a hurry. Even when I really had no place in particular to go, I just had to drive fast. It was like I was in a constant state of rush. The moment I got behind the wheel I envisioned my destination and like a tightly wound rubber band I sprang forward at top speed.
And when I found myself behind a slug of a driver--you know, the kind that actually drive the speed limit--I became real anxious and frustrated, honking, and hitting my dash, before zooming around them and shooting them a venomous glare.
But now that I'm older the tables have turned.
I am now that slug of a driver. Now it's me who drives as though I have no place to go, constantly checking to make sure my speedometer is not a hair above the legal mark. Staying at least a car's length behind the guy in front of me.
And now I see those kids in my rearview mirror, those kids that resemble me a decade ago. I recognize their impatient, angry scowls. And I laugh. Even when they get right on my ass, I laugh. Even when they honk and throw up their hands, I laugh.
Sometimes I tilt the rearview mirror back a notch so that I can't see them. And I forget about them until they speed by me and shoot me that familiar look of death. And I laugh.
So which one are you?
And when I found myself behind a slug of a driver--you know, the kind that actually drive the speed limit--I became real anxious and frustrated, honking, and hitting my dash, before zooming around them and shooting them a venomous glare.
But now that I'm older the tables have turned.
I am now that slug of a driver. Now it's me who drives as though I have no place to go, constantly checking to make sure my speedometer is not a hair above the legal mark. Staying at least a car's length behind the guy in front of me.
And now I see those kids in my rearview mirror, those kids that resemble me a decade ago. I recognize their impatient, angry scowls. And I laugh. Even when they get right on my ass, I laugh. Even when they honk and throw up their hands, I laugh.
Sometimes I tilt the rearview mirror back a notch so that I can't see them. And I forget about them until they speed by me and shoot me that familiar look of death. And I laugh.
So which one are you?
The only time this is a problem for me is when I'm on an interstate and have been traveling for many miles and will be traveling for many more. I don't want to touch the brake pedal. If you pull in front of me, and force me to use it, you will get all the bad mojo I can muster.
Oliver Dale, at 6:51 AM, January 09, 2006
Lead Foot Thomas here.
I speed often. I am careful in school zones, but otherwise it's 10 over and more on the highway when I'm going to Dallas. But then, that often makes me granny driving in the slow lane.
I get really hot under the collar about people who get in my way, though. I need a rocket launcher for the people who wait until the last possible moment to merge or get into an exit only lane for another direction and then stop to merge onto their exit while I'm honking and swearing and turning bright red.
Okay, you started me talking about other people's bad driving habits...
Kate, at 9:18 PM, January 09, 2006
Yes, highway driving is different. I set the cruise control for five over the speed limit and then relax. And I do get peeved when I have to tap my foot on the brake for a five-under.
Oh, and I do hate when people zoom to cut you off and then proceed to drive ten under the speed limit. What's up with that?
And I've learned that if you wanna switch lanes on the highway--don't use your signals. It simply provokes the person in the other lane to speed up and prevent your switching.
But in the city, I'm a law abiding citizen out for a Sunday drive. I'm always way early for everything so I'm never in a hurry to get there.
Grant-Will-Rant, at 8:35 AM, January 10, 2006
After re-reading my comment a song came rushing into my brain:
I'm in a hurry to get things done--I rush and rush until life's no fun. All I really gotta do is live and die, but I'm in a hurry and don't know why...
I'm not sure if those are the proper lyrics. And who sings that song anyway? And why is it stuck in my brain? Dammit, I'll never get rid of it now!
Ha ha; maybe now it's stuck in your brain...
Grant-Will-Rant, at 8:42 AM, January 10, 2006
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