Random Time...
Do you watch American Idol? I'm addicted. I truly love that show! It's hilarious; and I need to laugh more so I plan to be glued to my set this season. But it really ticks me off to hear that Kelly Clarkson has refused to allow American Idol contestants to use her songs for this season. What a little snob. I don't like her music but if I did I definitely wouldn't buy her CDs now.
Update on the Chili Finger scam. Woohoo, the jerks are going to prison for nine years!! Here's a blog I wrote when this scandal first surfaced.
So Survivor is coming to my town in search of contestants for the show. Yes, Survivor is another reality show that I'm addicted to. FORGIVE! Do you think I should audition? I think I could handle forty days on an island with 18 strangers. I only foresee two problems: I have a fear of eating bugs that squirt yellow gunk out their ass. And I'm severely afraid of sharks. Other than those two minor issues I think I can do it. The auditions are January 25th. I'll let you know. I may wimp out. In fact, it's extremely likely.
I read today that William Shatner--you know, Captain Kirk--sold his kidney stone for $25,000. You see, if I was famous I could sell my bellybutton lint and turn a huge profit. So there's still hope.
Update on the Chili Finger scam. Woohoo, the jerks are going to prison for nine years!! Here's a blog I wrote when this scandal first surfaced.
So Survivor is coming to my town in search of contestants for the show. Yes, Survivor is another reality show that I'm addicted to. FORGIVE! Do you think I should audition? I think I could handle forty days on an island with 18 strangers. I only foresee two problems: I have a fear of eating bugs that squirt yellow gunk out their ass. And I'm severely afraid of sharks. Other than those two minor issues I think I can do it. The auditions are January 25th. I'll let you know. I may wimp out. In fact, it's extremely likely.
I read today that William Shatner--you know, Captain Kirk--sold his kidney stone for $25,000. You see, if I was famous I could sell my bellybutton lint and turn a huge profit. So there's still hope.
That is quite snobby. I do like some of her stuff, but I think she's getting uppity if that's the kind of thing she's doing now. Although I did read that Paula Abdul said Kelly Clarkson was the music she was most sick of hearing in audition because almost everyone mutilates it.
And yes you should try out for Survivor!! Absolutely! The one I want to do is the Amazing Race. :) But I have small children and am forbidden. Oh well.
mamashine, at 5:24 AM, January 19, 2006
She's not getting uppity; she's not snobby. She just didn't allow ANYONE to license her music -- American Idol included. Of course, since everyone made such a stink about it, and she was made aware of the problem, she has since granted permission to the American Idol contestants. So quit hating on Kelly, dammit!
P.s. I'm with KEP on this one. You're all over Survivor.
Oliver Dale, at 7:56 AM, January 19, 2006
Well then, as long as she's seen the error of her ways. :)
mamashine, at 9:37 AM, January 19, 2006
It's settled then: Kelly Clarkson is officially off the hook. And to demonstrate that there are no hard feelings (though I must continue to switch the station whenever her songs come on because she sucks royally) I will send her publicist a thimble full of the freshest and finest bellybutton lint.
Grant-Will-Rant, at 12:49 PM, January 19, 2006
Did you watch tonight? In the previews at the end for the next show, someone's singing Since U Been Gone. So all is well. Change the channel if you must.
mamashine, at 8:20 PM, January 19, 2006
Or maybe it was yesterday's show. It was in tivo and I don't know when it actually aired.
mamashine, at 8:21 PM, January 19, 2006
I'll watch, but I'll have a pail of rotten tomatoes close by :)
BTW, Sydney left a cool bellybutton lint comment on the post beneath this one, so check it out.
Grant-Will-Rant, at 8:16 AM, January 20, 2006
Okay, I like Kelly Clarkson. She has a good voice, and I like her songs. So you can stuff it. You hear me? STUFF IT!
p.s. that was a rockin' comment on the bellybutton lint. It almost deserved reprinting, don't you think?
Oliver Dale, at 1:40 PM, January 20, 2006
FYI Grant...you will not make the audition for survivor on January 25th because no one will be there, as the auditions are held on the 26th. Here, I will even give you the info from the link...CBS 47'S SURVIVOR 13 OPEN CALL FOR AUDITIONS
Thursday, January 26, 2006 5pm to 8pm Sierra Vista Mall- Center Court ....gee, aren't I a great help...hee, hee, hee...Miss Piggy, I am sure you would rather be seeing me as bacon right now!
Anonymous, at 3:13 PM, January 23, 2006
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