Boycott the Dixie Chicks!
So the annoying trio has proven once again that stupidity has no bounds.
Back in 2003 the lead singer, Maines, became a national disgrace when she announced that she was ashamed to be from the same state as President George Bush. Subsequent calls flooded radio stations nationally with threats of boycotting the controversial group. I, for one, switch radio stations whenever they come on. I'd just as soon shave Robin Williams' back with a nail filer than listen to one note from that pathetic group.
And now the Dixie Chicks have royally ticked off the girls from The View by refusing to appear on the hit show. In a Time magazine interview, the lead singer claimed that she was following in the footsteps of her "political" hero, Bruce Springsteen (another dweeb, in my opinion). Maines asks herself, "What would Bruce Springsteen do?"
"Not that we're of that caliber, but would Bruce Springsteen do The View?" said one of the band members.
Joy Behar, one of the co-hosts of The View, ripped up the Time interview on the air, declaring, "They're...not doing...The View."
"It's one thing to diss the Bush administration, it's treason to diss The View."
Apparently The View helped out the Dixie Chicks in 1998 when they were still budding musicians by having them on the show. Well, in traditional Dixie Chicks style, that's payback for ya. Now I hope this latest stunt crushes the Dixie Chicks for good.
Back in 2003 the lead singer, Maines, became a national disgrace when she announced that she was ashamed to be from the same state as President George Bush. Subsequent calls flooded radio stations nationally with threats of boycotting the controversial group. I, for one, switch radio stations whenever they come on. I'd just as soon shave Robin Williams' back with a nail filer than listen to one note from that pathetic group.
And now the Dixie Chicks have royally ticked off the girls from The View by refusing to appear on the hit show. In a Time magazine interview, the lead singer claimed that she was following in the footsteps of her "political" hero, Bruce Springsteen (another dweeb, in my opinion). Maines asks herself, "What would Bruce Springsteen do?"
"Not that we're of that caliber, but would Bruce Springsteen do The View?" said one of the band members.
Joy Behar, one of the co-hosts of The View, ripped up the Time interview on the air, declaring, "They're...not doing...The View."
"It's one thing to diss the Bush administration, it's treason to diss The View."
Apparently The View helped out the Dixie Chicks in 1998 when they were still budding musicians by having them on the show. Well, in traditional Dixie Chicks style, that's payback for ya. Now I hope this latest stunt crushes the Dixie Chicks for good.
A) I agree that George Bush is an idiot and this is a free country and you're allowed to say what you think and feel.
B) I also agree that the Dixie Chicks suck. Maines is there for show and otherwise the two actually talented members of the group would still be playing festivals in Dallas. Marketing. I often think she says things like this just for the shock value. Other than shooting off her mouth whenever they have a new album I don't see her doing anything to further whatever it is she actually believes in,
C) Bruce Springsteen can do no wrong in my mind. You know why? His bum. See how shallow I am? ;)
D) Shunning The View is just rude. It's like the guy who refused to let Oprah use his book as one of her Book Club picks. Hello, get over yourself!
Kate, at 3:13 PM, May 26, 2006
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