While we slept, the United States was stolen...
The Minutemen's co-founder, Jim Gilchrist, announced to the media that his volunteer group has adopted the philosophy of Martin Luther King. "We will observe. We will report. We will support law enforcement. We will not interfere with them. We will do no harm...and...we will be victorious."
At the same time, you have certain organizations like the American Civil Liberties Union who are screaming and yelling that what the Minutemen are doing constitutes a violation of immigrants' rights. They claim that the Minutemen are vigilantes who are abusing the rights of these illegal aliens by detaining, harassing, and humiliating them. Yet visiting their website, they give no specifics of these alleged abuses. And, knowing the ACLU, if there were such instances, we'd no doubt be hearing about the lawsuit in the media.
It seems the ACLU is more interested in protecting the rights of foreign nationals than it is the rights of the people their organization was created to protect.
Recently, the Nicaraguan government reported that two Al Qaeda operatives snuck into their country, and they have yet to apprehend them. Since Nicaragua is a mere 400 miles from Mexico, and since our border patrol's lack of government funding has rendered them practically useless, this is something to be extremely worried about.
I think the government needs to throw a lot of money at the Border Patrol. Build a wall...or a crocodile-filled mote if need be. But protect those borders! Otherwise, sooner or later, we'll be seeing suicide bombers and the like in LA and New York. And it doesn't have to be Islamic fundamentalists either; there are some nasty Central American gangs who would be more than willing to be trained and paid by Al Qaeda to do their dirty work for them.
I have a feeling that our descendants will be scratching their heads and wondering why we didn't do something to protect our porous borders. And they'll also be pointing their fingers at the ACLU, saying, "Man, they did their own country in."